
To Inform, Inspire and Empower

By Ketty Rodríguez


My Story

In my twenties, I met a big publisher who, by chance, read a poem I had submitted for the Sunday supplement of the newspaper I was interning. He called me into his office on the 9th floor, where only a few people could visit.

The man was direct and to the point: “You are not a journalist; you are a writer.” It took me years to fully understand the meaning behind those words, and ever since, they have stuck with me.

Although the publisher was right, fear held me back from fully embracing my calling as a writer. Talent is not the only factor at play; fear can also prevent us from pursuing our dreams. I chose the “safer” path of journalism to avoid facing my true purpose in life.

I am not alone in this experience. That’s why I’ve taken the first step and decided to become a writer, despite the obstacles and the inevitable passage of time that seems to win every day.

I welcome this new opportunity to write as if my life will be reborn again.

I wasn’t always a writer, but I tried and eventually became the author of two books,

Caracas: The Valley of Fear. A Chaos Sustained by Chavistas and Cubans” and “Emotional Abuse: Get Out! Before it Ruins your life”.

Both are available in the Spanish language as well.

About my new series

The South American Liberator’s series emerged as an unexplained desire in my heart for many years. I’ve known Bolívar from school when I was little. Teachers admired him, politicians talked about his accomplishments, and the government celebrated his birthday and famous battle victories with grandiloquence. But he was a cold and distant hero to me.

However, his deep black eyes, surrounded by long, brushy eyebrows, always fascinated and intrigued me. I could see the intensity of his gaze and the incomprehensible behind his eyes. It’s the invisible force, drive, and passion I discovered once I read his letters and let him speak with the fictional character, the French journalist Kamile Leroy, who, with a free spirit, spoke her mind and asked the hard questions.

What was so special about the mortal Simón Bolívar, born 241 years ago in 2024? He, along with other great heroes, is a Latin American inheritance and an example of courage, perseverance, honor, and consecration for the well-being and freedom of oppressed people.

Then, I came to love and admire him in his human and vulnerable existence. I could understand that he gave himself entirely to his mission. He gave his all without reservation, and this devotion made him magnificent and eternal.

Books I have authored

EL ABUSO EMOCIONAL y su Efecto Destructor en La Mujer

What readers say about my book ?

" I liked the book and would recommend it to anyone, especially women who are going through this kind of abuse. "

Kind Costumer

" There are phrases, words, or situations that are more than reality itself; the identification, either early or already in it, to get out of the abuse is essential."

Cathy Revelador (An eye-opening book)

" The Latin woman is bred to the man who is the lord and master. Everything he wants must be pleased. Unfortunately, all men cannot be treated like this because they do not deserve it. Because of our programming, we don't notice when we fall into an abusive situation. The book is fully detailed in all kinds of abuse. The patterns are the same in abusers. I found the book to be an excellent weapon to understand that women are not guilty, but they do have to put a stop to abuse. Very well explained by the author. I am sure this book will help many make a new life. "

Mari Hijas del Abuso